Joe (Martin Starr, Silicon Valley) is a programmer with a crippling anxiety problem who is unable to deal with uncertainty. At work he is tasked with creating an interactive call center answering machine that can convey empathy. Joe recruits his wife Emily (Mae Whitman, Arrested Development) who has the perfect voice for the system.
What begins as a collaboration to strengthen their relationship quickly spirals out of control. Terrified of the uncertainty in their relationship, Joe becomes obsessed with creating the “perfect” version of his wife, becoming detached from the real Emily as he spends sleepless nights programming his automated Emily to fulfill his needs for sex and companionship. While Joe is losing touch with reality, Emily is losing faith in their future together. Joe will have to relinquish control and face the uncertainties of life if he wants to save their marriage.
Nominated for the Gamechanger Emergent Woman Director Award at the SXSW Film Festival.
“Begins as a very funny comedy, but its two lead performances (including the best work of Whitman’s career) carry the film to uncommon insight into how we relate, emote and will always need the spontaneity of the human experience.” – Erik Childress, RogerEbert.com