Acclaimed director Taika Waititi (Hunt for the Wilderpeople) presents a creative coming-of-age comedy set in 1984, following an eleven-year-old Michael Jackson fanatic nicknamed “Boy” (James Rolleston). With his mother dead and father AWOL, Boy becomes the head of a household full of kids when his Nana leaves town for a funeral.
Out of nowhere, Boy’s Dad (Waititi) rolls up in a vintage car with his “gang”, and turns Boy’s life upside down. There are treasure hunts, fistfights, and falling-outs, as Boy grapples to learn why his Dad left the family so long ago.
Waititi adopts a fanciful deadpan tone that’s part Wes Anderson and part Flight of the Conchords, complete with child-like animations and hilarious re-enactments of Michael Jackson music videos. It’s one of the most creative comedies you’ll see all year.
Winner of Best Feature Film at the Berlin International Film Festival and nominated for the Grand Jury Prize: World Cinema – Dramatic at the Sundance Film Festival.
“BOY is a charmer, a funny and affecting coming-of-age story rendered with heart, and with nuttiness.” – Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer