is a power in your life. It shapes how you dress, what you eat, your
physical appearance, the rooms you live in, and how you feel. What is
color and why does it pack such power?
Explore the power and magic of color: • Color is the most powerful
illusion in the world. Do your students think their eyes are a recording
device? Discover that our eyes work more like a paint gun than a
• The fact that we create color helps explain its emotional power.
Ever turn red with rage or green with envy? At times, we all “have the
blues.” Color is about emotions.
• When it comes to color we are all deeply prejudiced. Food coloring
is used not so much to mislead as to satisfy our prejudices. Salmon has
to be pink, egg yolks a golden orange, and lemon meringue pie a bright
yellow. We insist.
• Give people a lime flavored drink with orange coloring, and the
color can overpower the taste. But “I can taste the orange,” many will
say. Our eyes are part of our taste buds.
• Color influences what we buy. Can color make a golf ball travel farther? Can color make your skin itch or feel soothed?
• Can a “little blue pill” make you sleepier than a “little pink pill”? Can color influence health?
• From UPS brown to Yellow cabs, learn how corporations stake claims to specific colors as part of their identities.
• Explore cultural, ethnic, and religious use of color. Does an
ancient mistrust of bright colors influence us even today? Would you
trust a judge wearing a neon green robe?
• See how color is used as a signal system from Medieval laws restricting color in clothing to today’s OSHA safety colors.
Color is critical in consumer education, literature, art, interior
design, fashion, and life itself. Let Color in Everyday Life increase
color awareness in your students.